Shipping with protection included

Do business, pay later.

Credit options are available for all buyers on Qogita.

Sign up to apply

Choose payment terms that fit your business needs

We understand how critical cash flow management is for running your business, which is why we offer multiple financing options, allowing you to decide when to pay.

30 day terms

Purchases won’t be charged until 30 days after you order.

60 day terms

Purchases won’t be charged until 60 days after you order.

90 day terms

Purchases won’t be charged until 90 days after you order.

Applying for credit

How to apply

Once you have signed up, you have the option of applying for financing. When signed in, a button will appear at the top of this page linking you to the application form.

Fill out the form with all requested information about your business.

Determining your credit limit

After application, we’ll run some checks through our credit partner Dun & Bradstreet to assess eligibility and lending limit.

Our team may ask you for more information about the details saved on your account particularly if they do not match the details provided in the credit application form.

If you’re eligible, the business owner will need to pass an ID check before signing a credit agreement.

Eligible buyers are then given a credit line based on the report.

Paying with credit

Approved buyers can make purchases on Qogita using their credit line, and defer payment by settling invoices at a later date.

Buyers can qualify for higher credit limits and improved credit terms by demonstrating consistent purchasing behaviour and a record of repaying financed orders.

Grow your business with Qogita credit terms

Optimize cashflow

Manage cashflow effectively to cover operational costs and capitalize on new business opportunities.

Buy now pay later

Sell products before having to pay for them.

First order credit

Credit is available to use on your first order.

Flexible payment plans

Choose a payment plan that fits your business.

Qogita is truly an innovative service. I can order 80% of my goods in one place, get credit and talk to a human if I need any help.

Constantine A

Sign up to apply in less than two minutes

Use credit for your first order!

Sign up to apply